Our Events

Experience endless family fun at Sunway Pyramid with thrilling events for everyone! Discover and enjoy our exhilarating lineup of upcoming activities that will leave you captivated.


Don’t miss these exclusive promotions from our retailers. Check them out before it ends!

Navigate Sunway Pyramid with Ease

Shopping made easy. Navigate to your favourite restaurants, discover deals, & more!


Hungry? Explore our wide variety of delicious food and mouth-watering deals.

Tourist Privileges

Visiting us for the first time? Enjoy exclusive privileges, promotions, and get a a free welcome pack!  


From clothing, footwear to accessories, you name it, we have it!

Sustainable Shopping

Learn how Sunway Pyramid and its retailers pave the way for a greener and more sustainable future.


We Are Open!

Lion would like to inform you that we are open from 10am - 10pm. Before you make your visit to the mall, Lion suggests you check with Lion’s friends to plan your time at Sunway Pyramid.

How to Pay Sunway Smart Parking

Not sure how to pay with it? Follow these steps as Lion is giving you a simple crash course on how to pay Sunway Smart Parking.

Santan Is Ready to Serve in Sunway Pyramid!

Dig into Santan’s crowd favourites, including the legendary Pak Nasser’s Nasi Lemak Ayam Rendang and Ayam Goreng among others…